Heading to Baton Rouge!
I want to thank Martha Forbes for arranging my lecture tomorrow in Baton Rouge on reincarnation. Social workers can earn 3 clinical...
Spreading the Word on Reincarnation!
I wanted to let everyone know about Dr. Semkiw's new page on Facebook "Reincarnation Research." It is a great, quick and easy way to be...
Join Us Tonight on KEEL Radio!
I get to join David tonight on "Strategies For Living" at 7. We will be discussing the new shows on television "Hypnotize Me" and...
Join Us Once Again on KEEL Radio!
David and I will be discussing the weird and wonderful world of quantum physics as it relates to the individual and collective mind on...
Join Us Tonight On KEEL
Always a good time when David lets me join him on Strategies For Living on KEEL radio tonight at 7 PM. Tonight we will talk about Dr....
Join Us Tonight on KEEL!
Tonight we get to talk about A Course In Miracles, reincarnation and the implications to couples. Join us on Strategies For Living at 7...
Join us tonight on KEEL!
I get to join David again tonight on Strategies For Living at 7 PM on KEEL radio. Join us as we talk about the science and research...
Thanks NASW-LA Alexandria Chapter!
We had a great turnout for my talk on reincarnation in Alexandria, LA yesterday. I am so grateful that NASW-LA supports me in sharing...
Join Us Tonight On KEEL
Just got back from a weekend workshop with Gary and Cindy Renard in Matagorda TX. It is always great to catch up with them and add to my...
Thanks NASWLA!
Wanted to share with you my appreciation for our professional organization, National Association Of Social Work- Louisiana Chapter, for...