NASW Conference
Finally catching up after a very busy couple of weeks. I want to express my gratitude to NASW Louisiana. The conference in Baton Rouge is the second largest NASW conference in the country with up to 800 participants and social workers in Louisiana should be proud. Additionally, they let me teach my class on reincarnation as well as a class on my book where I integrate reincarnation, spirituality, etc. and psychotherapy. I really enjoyed the classes this year where I had very attentive and engaged participants----thanks so much! I am so proud of NASWLA for allowing such cutting edge and innovative topics (not just my classes) to be shared at this conference. And the really humbling and appreciated "icing on the cake" is they gave me the "Lifetime Achievement Award" for the Shreveport Chapter and for NASW-Louisiana as well. I truly found my professional home in social work and I am so grateful.